he attorneys and specialist attorneys at Peters Rechtsanwälte in Düsseldorf will advise and represent you reliably in a wide range of legal fields, for example in commercial law, corporate law, labour law, and family law. Each of our attorneys is a specialist in his or her field. This means that our clients can rely on professional and qualified legal assistance - both in and out of court.


Our law firm with over 20 attorneys in Düsseldorf-Oberkassel covers a wide range of legal areas. In particular, our attorneys and specialist solicitors work in the following areas.


In terms of professional know-how, our law firm in Düsseldorf can compete with any major law firm - PETERS Rechtsanwälte is furthermore characterised by high flexibility and cost efficiency. We convince with practice-oriented legal solutions - and are particularly well experienced in the following areas of law:

Commercial law in Dusseldorf

The German Commercial Code (HGB) complements and modifies the regulations of the German Civil Code (BGB) for all merchants and companies. Within this legal framework, Peters Rechtsanwälte in Düsseldorf advises and assists clients in commercial law issues. Our attorneys support companies both in the event of a legal dispute and in the contractual structuring of their trade relations with business partners and clients.


Our attorneys and specialist attorneys also answer questions regarding registration with the commercial register, the processing of commercial purchases, and the drafting of employment contracts. Our law firm in Düsseldorf has many years of experience in the field of commercial law. We will be pleased assist you in this area of law. Contact us now to arrange a free consultation appointment.

Distribution law in Düsseldorf

The law firm Peters Rechtsanwälte in Düsseldorf supports entrepreneurs in all legal matters relating to the sale and procurement of goods and services. Our attorneys and specialist attorneys for distribution law advise manufacturers and trading companies in the development of distribution systems. The focus of our legal advice is on the establishment and support of joint ventures and cooperations. We also undertake the examination, drafting and negotiation of commercial agency agreements and authorized dealer agreements.

Corporate law in Dusseldorf

Our attorneys and specialist attorneys for corporate law and business law in Düsseldorf advise clients in all legal matters relating to partnerships and corporations. We support entrepreneurs and companies in the establishment, organisation, modification, and liquidation of companies. In addition, we offer legal advice on corporate disputes, liability issues, commercial transactions, trade purchases and sales, and corporate succession.

Furthermore, we also represent you in disputes between shareholders or between a shareholder and the company. The aim of our consultation in corporate law is to identify and avoid potential disputes and legal problems at an early stage. Our specialist attorneys not only take all legal aspects into account, but also find economic and quick solutions.

Insolvency law in Dusseldorf

Insolvencies do not occur all of a sudden. They are often imminent over a period of time during which a financial shortfall can still be averted. As your law firm for insolvency law, we help you to identify the signs of a crisis and take effective countermeasures. If you are in danger of insolvency or already in insolvency proceedings, we will develop solutions for you and your company with legal expertise and creativity.

Inheritance law in Dusseldorf

The loss of a family member is a huge emotional burden for the relatives. In addition, there are many legal questions that relatives are confronted with in this difficult time. In order to avoid disputes and ambiguities in the case of inheritance, these questions should be clarified in good time and on the basis of qualified legal advice. It is therefore recommended to consult an attorney for inheritance law.

As your attorney for inheritance law, we will support you in drafting legally reliable last wills and inheritance contracts. In addition, our law firm will handle all inheritance matters on your behalf. Arrange a free consultation appointment now.


German inheritance law, which is essentially regulated in the fifth and last book of the German Civil Code (sec. 1922 to 2385 BGB), is a very extensive area of law. For a layperson, the inheritance law regulations and constellations are hardly comprehensible. For this reason, qualified advice from an attorney experienced in inheritance law is necessary in order to appropriately deal with inheritance matters. Thanks to our intersectional areas of practice, our law firm in Düsseldorf develops individual solutions to legal, tax and financial issues. As a result, our clients can benefit from extensive advice on inheritance law.

Our inheritance law advice is not only relevant in the event of a loss in the family, but already within the lifetime of the testator. Accordingly, we advise you on the different types of last wills/testaments. In addition, we also draft contracts of inheritance and other dispositions, for example in the case of a legacy.

Family law in Dusseldorf

Family law disputes are often very emotional – either at the beginning of a relationship or in the case of divorce.  Hence, a family law attorney must be particularly aware of the personal situation of the clients involved. In order to prevent existential fears in the event of separation or concerns about the right of contact with one's own children, those affected should seek advice from an expert in family law at an early stage.

As family law attorneys, we offer you competent advice on all family law issues. This includes issues such as divorce, alimony, rights of contact and custody or pension rights settlements. Our office in Düsseldorf also provides you with competent assistance in drafting marriage contracts and in handling amicable separations.

Labour law in Düsseldorf

Labour law is divided into individual labour law and collective labour law. Individual labour law regulates the legal relationships and legal disputes between individual employees and employers. This includes, for example, employment contract law, working time law, maternity protection law, holiday law and employment protection law. In contrast, collective labour law refers to the legal relationships between employers, employers' associations and unions as well as between employers and works councils. Collective labour law includes works constitution law, collective bargaining law and the law on industrial disputes.

Our labour law attorneys in Düsseldorf represent employees, employers, managing directors, works councils and managers in all legal matters of labour law. Due to many years of experience on both the employee and employer side, we are able to protect the interests of our clients in the best possible way.

Tenancy law in Düsseldorf

The tenancy law regulates the rights and obligations between tenants and landlords. Our law firm in Düsseldorf advises and represents you in all matters of tenancy law. This includes drafting tenancy agreements, reviewing existing contracts and answering all legal questions relating to the tenancy agreement - for example with regard to a rent cap (Mietpreisbremse).

As your attorney for tenancy law in Düsseldorf, we represent you in disputes concerning the tenancy agreement, the termination of the agreement or an action for eviction. In addition, we are available to you as your legal representation in court.


In the legal field of tenancy law (residential tenancy law and commercial tenancy law) your attorney deals with the clarification of legal problems within the rental relationship. These include, for example, termination, notification for personal use, obligation to carry out aesthetic repairs, claims for damages in the event of terminated tenancies and legal disputes regarding ancillary rental costs.

Since tenancy law comprises very complex regulations, it is necessary to consult and, if necessary, be represented by an attorney for tenancy law if you want to know and enforce your rights as a tenant in a lawsuit.

Our attorneys in Düsseldorf have been active in litigation in the area of tenancy law for many years. They are therefore able to respond to the needs and wishes of each client with a great degree of experience. Legal proceedings don't always have to result in a verdict. Instead, in many legal disputes our attorneys rely on out-of-court settlements to enforce their clients' rights.

Real Estate law in Dusseldorf

In real estate law, our firm represents both private individuals and companies that have legal issues in the context of a real estate transaction or real estate contracts. Our legal advice covers the purchase and sale of real estate as well as issues related to the property development business and real estate funds.

We also advise and represent our clients in commercial tenancy law. This includes default of payment, termination of tenancies, and enforcement of eviction claims.

Construction law and architectural law in Dusseldorf

When it comes to legal issues concerning the planning, approval and realization of construction projects, we are one of the leading law firms in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area. We advise and represent builders, contractors, project developers, and architects in the course of the realisation of construction projects.

Our experienced attorneys for construction law and architectural law will assist you from the planning stage to the completion of construction and will be at your side during every phase of your building project. In case of a legal dispute, we naturally represent our clients in court.

Traffic law in Dusseldorf

Were you involved in a traffic accident? Are you facing a fine or even a driving ban? You have left the scene of an accident? In that case you should immediately consult an attorney specialising in traffic law. Our office in Düsseldorf has many years of experience in traffic law and is ready to advise and represent you competently in and out of court.

If you have been involved in a traffic accident and need support in enforcing or defending claims for damages or compensation for pain and suffering, please contact our experienced specialist attorneys for traffic law.

Compliance in Dusseldorf

Compliance refers to all measures taken to ensure that legal and internal company rules and prohibitions are followed. On the one hand, compliance is an essential part of proper corporate governance. On the other hand, compliance serves to avoid claims for damages, liability claims, and official investigations.

We will be happy to assist you in drawing up corporate guidelines, setting up compliance organizations, and implementing compliance management systems. In addition, we take care of the controlling of a pre-existing compliance management system.

Japan Desk in Dusseldorf

Through the Japan Desk, our law firm offers a contact point for German and European companies that need legal advice or representation in connection with business activities and legal disputes in Japan. As a result of our day-to-day cooperation with our partner law firm Higashimachi Law Office LPC, our attorneys have extensive knowledge of the legal and economic framework in Japan. Furthermore, our attorneys have a deep understanding of Japanese business culture. Extensive legal advice and support is provided by our Japanese native speakers.


In our law firm in Dusseldorf you can expect to be advised by competent and committed attorneys and specialist attorneys with experience in almost all fields of law. Due to the thorough exchange in our interdisciplinary client work, we offer our clients legal advice at the highest level. We always ensure a pleasant and personal working and consultancy atmosphere in our office in Düsseldorf.

Due to the profound legal expertise of our attorneys and specialist attorneys in Düsseldorf and our partner law firms in other European countries and Japan, the prospects of success in legal disputes increase. For this reason, our law firm puts a strong focus on advanced training in the various areas of law.

However, successful legal advice is not only based on legal knowledge, but above all on practical experience as an attorney.

Clients who seek legal advice and assistance from our experienced law firm in Düsseldorf will be met at eye level. In this way we create a reliable basis on which we can develop and offer tailor-made solutions. The attorney's primary objective is the well-being of the client. This equally applies to representation in court and out of court consultations.


Our legal advice is aimed at private individuals and companies of all sizes., Hence, our law firm in Düsseldorf is committed to providing individual, entrepreneurial, and personal legal advice. This enables us to provide our clients with appropriate advice and representation in all legal areas covered by the firm. We guarantee our clients consistent and client-oriented action.

The law firm Peters Rechtsanwälte in Düsseldorf advises you on all legal matters.

At some point in life, most people require the advice of a competent partner who is familiar with legal issues. Today, qualified advice from a attorney is more important than ever as legal regulations are too complex and change too quickly for a layman to be able to keep an overview. Consequently, it is essential to have an expert attorney (e.g. in commercial law, labour law, inheritance law or tenancy law), who has a clear view of the legal situation and pursues the rights of his clients accordingly. If you are looking for an experienced attorney, our office is the right place to go to clarify your legal issues and solve problems.



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