Peters Legal RA Pauken Thomas

Thomas Pauken Specialist Attorney for labour law

Phone: +49 (0) 211 66 96 95 27


Thomas Pauken (born in 1980) began his career in different law firms specializing in labour law before joining us. He has been a specialist attorney for labour law since 2013 and advises medium-sized companies, managing directors, board members and employees in all questions of individual and collective labour law. He focuses also on church labour law, advising freelancers and on personnel representation law.

As a lecturer, Thomas Pauken regularly gives lectures on various current labour law topics; he is a lecturer at the Fresenius University and a speaker at the Haufe Academy. He is also a member of the SME consultants´ network of BVMW (Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft e.V.).

Working Languages

German and English


  • Studied law at the University of Gießen and Cologne
  • Attorney since 2009
  • Specialist Attorney for labour law since 2013


Thomas Pauken regularly publishes articles and comments on labour law issues on the Internet. He is co-author of the “Betrieb +Personal” Handbook and the “Stichwort-Ratgeber Minijobs”

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