klaus brembach 1

Klaus Brembach ATTORNEY

E-mail: brembach@peters-legal.com
Phone: +49 (0) 211 - 66 96 95 20


Klaus Brembach studied law in Gießen and Münster and was admitted as an attorney in 1978. In 1980 he opened his law firm in Dusseldorf, which has been joined by various attorneys over the years. He advises his clients throughout Germany.

Klaus Brembach has special expertise in insurance law, especially in the areas of property law and liability insurance law. He represents insurance companies and parties involved in the insurance industry, but also larger and medium-sized companies in the assertion and enforcement of insurance claims, for example in the field of D&O insurances. He also advises on inheritance law and family law.

Working Languages

German and English


  • Working Group Insurance Law in the German Bar Association
  • Working Group of Traffic Law Attorneys in the German Bar Association
  • DACH European Bar Association

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